Meet Rossana

Rossana Gorys, MBA, Transformational Leader

Rossana Gorys, MBA, Emotional Well-being Educator

Rossana is passionate about guiding people on their journey to self-actualization. Rossana’s extensive experience as a senior leader, a successful businesswoman, and a proud mother has allowed her to harness her skills and insights for the benefit of clients. Having gone through her own lows and highs, trials and triumphs, Rossana has gained a depth of understanding about life’s many challenges, and has mastered the ability to navigate the different phases and experiences of life, while always maintaining a focus on being healthy, successful, and happy.

She believes that every problem has an inherent seed of opportunity embedded within it, and that you can discover a path forward and implement a positive, healthy solution by tapping into the available abundance of good health, wealth, spirituality, and nurturing relationships. Resilience is a product of your ability to effectively face unexpected obstacles and skillfully overcome serious challenges, whether these are personal or professional.

Through the past several years, Rossana has leveraged her training, education, personal growth, and leadership experience to guide others to find their paths to well-being and success. This mission of helping others has led to the opening of Balanced Path and the Institute of Healing Practices. Rossana uses her knowledge and expertise to guide clients to gain new perspectives, realize their full potential, and align their actions with their life purpose.

Whether you are interested in business coaching, need guidance in finding your life’s purpose, looking at building a successful working team, or are interested in becoming a certified Reiki Master, Rossana is ready to help you. Rossana invites you to join her today on a wellness journey. She will guide you to become clear and focused about what excites you, how to work through any emotional blockages that act as barriers to your success, and helps develop the plan of action needed to reach your goals. Through her authentic personality and empathetic character, Rossana is able to connect with others.

Say YES to empowerment! Say YES to self-belief! Say YES to yourself! Connect with Rossana today and begin your journey to a new, fulfilling life!

Gratitude and blessings on your path!

Certified Coach Practitioner, Reiki Master, Chakra Balancing Practitioner, Certified Passion Test Facilitator, Certified Self-Love Facilitator.

Certified Coach Practitioner, Reiki Master, Chakra Balancing Practitioner, Certified Passion Test Facilitator, Certified Self-Love Facilitator.

Featured in:

Onside Media - a business news-focused online digital media house. Read the full article here.

GoSolo - Entrepreneur stories. Read the full article here.